I train my people. So why don’t they learn?

The fact is, if you’re running training programs that are rote. They’re going to fail. If the programs are one-off events. They’re going to fail. And if the programs are boring and lack engagement. They’re going to fail.
So, what to do? As obvious as it might seem, do the opposite. Successful learning has three key dimensions to it.

Shrink at home or grow at work.

Working from home has become the default setting for many businesses. And now the pandemic is starting to shape shift, it is likely to continue in some form or other. One thing is for certain, employees save a fortune on travel costs – and at the same time, lower their carbon footprint. But what about the other side of the coin?

How To Create A Powerful Brand That Works For You

The concept behind The Brand of You was first introduced to us by the famous author, business consultant and motivational speaker, Tom Peters. He wrote about the subject in a New Yorker article back in 1997, way before the onslaught of social media and the explosion of influence culture

Good Ego, Bad Ego

We all have egos. Most of the time, they are a force for good – especially in a business environment where individual talent, ambition, and confidence are major factors in a company’s success.
But there are times when an inflated ego can have an adverse, sometimes destructive, effect, especially in a team setting.

Leadership isn’t a position. It’s an action.

A leader’s vision and strategy count for nothing if people in the organization are just not on board. If you are in charge of leading change in your organization, here is how you can shift rigid mindset to ensure success.

A Practical Guide to Leading Change

For organizations everywhere, change is inevitable and constant in today’s age. Therefore, it is necessary to effectively and consistently lead change, not only for survival, but for growth.